Anxiety Can Be Crippling
We’ve all been there at some stage in our lives, is your child suffering from the first day of school nerves, is your teenager suffering exam stress? Do you have a work presentation that’s keeping you awake at night? grief, uncertain relationships, money, interviews the list goes on. Stress affects our relationships with our family, friends and work colleagues but most importantly it is really uncomfortable to have to live with and you shouldn’t have to.
Relieving The Stress
Stress is high on the list of most people we see in our clinic. Stress causes a cocktail of confusion in the body and it quickly becomes anxiety which is a deeper more constant form of stress, this then can become depression. Consider the word depression for a minute, flattened, squashed, deflated like stepping on a ball with no air in it. Life throws hard to handle things at all of us and it really can take its toll.
What we offer at Orange Clinic of Natural Medicine is the direction and support to help you nutritionally – nutrients are like building blocks. We are not anti-medication we are pro helping you do the work in the background that keeps you moving forward. We prescribe medical herbs for stress, anxiety, and depression, they are amazing because they are safe and have no unpleasant side effects, only good ones. The herbs we use are called nervines and adaptogens. These words speak for themselves, they help your nervous system adapt to the stressors of life. They are not just a quick fix, they nourish, strengthen and support your nervous system helping to strengthen your foundations. Feeling stronger and more stable in yourself. All our treatments are safe for babies through to the elderly.
Let Us Help You
Come and see our experienced Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists and they will work out what is the underlying cause of your stress and anxiety and advise how to make necessary changes and support you with the correct nutritional to have you feeling calm and resilient again